Devised and performed by
An(dre)a Spisto and Joana Nastari
Quench Gallery, Margate, 2023
- alongside artists Nikki Sheth and James Jordan Johnson
Edfringe Spiegelyurt, 2023
Jupiter Rising Fest 2023
First commissioned by Womxn Srsly in 2019 at The Yard Theatre
Currently in development
50 Ways to Kill a Slug is an abstract, non verbal, non linear piece of live performance. We use movement, clowning and performance art traditions to create a piece with the slug at it’s centre - celebrated as a queer icon.
Under late capitalism, the fate of all creatures, and in this case the slug - tired, queer, neurodivergent, multilingual, soft, sticky entities that don’t have traditional family structures - is to be squished by the perpetually grinding wheels of mass production, of producing and consuming for ever.
Slugs are non binary hermaphrodites, killed by productivity. They are soft, slow, adaptive, porus, breathing through their skins and clearing away dead matter and composting death. Slugs divert capitalism and the climate crisis. Slugs are QUEER ICONS. In this work, the slugs - Joana and Dre - explore the metaphoric utopia of being a slug, nonverbal, genderqueer, slimy and free.